Radiolysis effect and inhibition strategies during electron microscopy characterization of functional materials
日期:2021-10-19, 查看:480

      On October 19, at the invitation of Professor Wang Junqiang, Professor Manling Sui from Beijing University of Technology and Professor Jichao Qiao from Northwestern Polytechnical University visited NIMTE and delivered academic reports entitled "Radiolysis Effect and suppression Strategy during the Characterization of Functional Materials by electron Microscopy" and "Study on Microstructure Heterogeneity of amorphous Alloys" respectively.
      Professor Sui Manling introduced the failure mechanism of cathode materials for lithium/sodium ion batteries by in-situ heating combined with three-dimensional reconstruction. She also shared the photoelectrothermal in situ liquid-gas environment TEM holder equipment built by her team, and then listed the application examples of TEM in in-situ liquid-gas environment in detail.Starting from the viscoelastic properties of amorphous alloys, Professor Qiao Jichao established the relationship between the macroscopic mechanical properties of amorphous alloys and the non-uniformity of microstructure by studying the dynamic response of amorphous alloys under external heating and force stimulation.He mainly carried out the work on the relaxation mechanism, stress relaxation and creep of amorphous alloys, discovered the two-stage behavior of amorphous alloys in the process of stress relaxation, established the constitutive model of relaxation and creep, constructed the relationship between the plastic deformation and relaxation of amorphous alloys, and provided the theoretical basis for regulating the plastic behavior of amorphous alloys.At the same time, based on dynamic excitation at different time scales, he explored the microstructure non-uniformity characteristics and evolution law of amorphous alloys, revealed the origin of dynamic relaxation of amorphous alloys, and improved the understanding of the mechanism of amorphous deformation.After the presentation, participants had a lively discussion and interaction on equipment application, amorphous relaxation model description, DMA usage and other aspects.
      Sui Manling, Professor, Doctoral Supervisor. Director of Materials Science and Engineering, Institute of Solid Microstructure and Properties, Beijing University of Technology. Leader of the high-level Innovation team Construction program of Beijing Universities, "High Spatio-temporal Resolution Electron Microscopy Research of Advanced Functional Materials under Service Environment". He has been funded by the National Science Foundation for Outstanding Young People (2001) and the Special Professor Program of Beijing Universities (2009).
      Dr. Qiao Jichao received his bachelor's and master's degrees from Northwestern Polytechnical University, his doctoral degree from the National School of Applied Sciences in Lyon, France, and his postdoctoral degree from the National Center for Scientific Research in France. Professor, School of Mechanics, Civil Engineering and Architecture, Northwestern Polytechnical University. He is mainly engaged in the study of relaxation, creep and stress relaxation behavior of amorphous alloys. He has published more than 50 papers in Progress in Materials Science, International Journal of Plasticity and Acta Materialia. Winner of Shaanxi Outstanding Youth Fund.