Application of electron diffraction and electron crystallography in materials science research
日期:2021-11-09, 查看:506

      On November 1, invited by professor Juntao Huo, Professor Ping Liu, senior chief scientist of Jiuli Hi-Tech Metals Co., Ltd., visited NIMTE. He gave a lecture entitled "Applications of Electron Diffraction and Electron Crystallography in Materials Science Research".
      Professor Ping Liu introduced the application of the transmission electron microscope (TEM) in materials science research originally and thoughtfully. The report provides directions for the development of new materials by introducing representative multi-phase composite electron diffraction patterns, defects in crystals, biphasic twins, edge-type dislocations, stacking layer dislocations, etc. The crystal structure of the unknown phase was determined based on the available characterization and analysis tools. Combining the X-ray diffraction test results to compare the lattice constants, Braver lattice types, and the distribution characteristics of point groups and space groups in TEM analysis to determine the phase composition. It is also proposed that the use of TEM for secondary electron images has great advantages in the characterization of structural materials. After the presentation, the participants had a lively discussion and exchange on the anomalous structures such as single cell, broadened diffraction ring interweaving, polycrystalline ring intercalation, as well as sub-stable phase transition and layer error energy calculation, which appeared in TEM observation.
      Ping Liu graduated from Zhongnan Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (now Central South University) in 1977 with a major in metal physics and received his master's degree from Shenyang Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1981 (under the supervision of Academician Guo Credible). He proceeded to his Ph.D. in materials science at the Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden in 1987 and received his postdoctoral degree in materials science at the Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden from 1987 to 1989. He has worked successively as an Associate Professor at the Department of Physics and Engineering Physics, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, a Senior Scientist at the Research and Development Center of Swedish Sandvik Company, a Chutian Scholar at Wuhan University of Science and Technology, a Distinguished Professor at Xiamen University, and a Visiting Professor at the Central South University of Technology and Central South University. He has been working and researching in the field of materials science, metal physics, and metal material processing for nearly forty years. His research areas include aluminum alloys, nickel-based superalloys, various types of stainless steels, high-speed steels, titanium and zirconium alloys, chemical vapor deposition of ammoniated titanium and aluminum, and ceramic high-temperature superconducting wire materials. He mainly researches the microstructure characterization of materials and the relationship between microstructure and properties by using electron microscopy, X-ray powder diffraction, and differential scanning calorimetry analysis. And he was awarded the Scripta Metalurgica & Materialia distinguished dissertation award, etc.