【CCTV NEWS】Chinese scientists: "lunar soil glass" is the key material for capturing and preserving helium-3
日期:2022-06-13, 查看:321

      "Taking advantage of glass: Capturing and retaining of the helium gas on the moon", our group's research achievement on the lunar soil of Chang'e 5, was reported by CCTV News Client, Ministry of Science and Technology of the People Republic of China, China Science and Technology Network, China.org.cn, peoplezf.cn, The Paper, ifeng.com and other media and websites. 

CCTV News Clienthttps://content-static.cctvnews.cctv.com/snow-book/index.htm

Ministry of Science and Technology of the People Republic of Chinahttp://www.most.gov.cn/dfkj/zj/zxdt/202206/t20220621_181215.html

China Science and Technology Daliyhttp://www.stdaily.com/index/kejixinwen/202206/13b5a9ef79a249d1bb76e7236311d55f.shtml

Photo China.com.cnhttp://photo.china.com.cn/2022-06/11/content_78265498.htm


The Paperhttp://m.thepaper.cn/rss_newsDetail_18537833
