【Chinese Academy of Sciences】 Combinatorial High-throughput Strategy Proposed to Screen Hydrogen Evolution Reaction Catalysts
日期:2022-04-19, 查看:303

      Congratulations to our group, Xuanzhi Liu, for his article "ACS Catalog. 2022, 12, 3789 – 3796" on bubble high throughput method for screening multi-component catalysts was reported on the Chinese/English website of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering, CAS. 

【the English website of CAS】 https://english.cas.cn/newsroom/research_news/chem/202204/t20220415_304187.shtml

【the English website of NIMTE】 http://english.nimte.cas.cn/rh/rp/202204/t20220415_304186.html